Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Polka dots, easter eggs and potty training

It's been too long since I posted. So, I'll try to give you a rundown of everything.

Remember that little cold Ade had? That little, wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-coughing-so-hard-he-vomited bug? Well, I don't remember if I told you but Michelle called the doctor and the doctor said something like: "It's lasted a few weeks, there's probably a bacterial component." So, we get some antibiotics. He's on amoxycillin (sp?) for a week, on the 7th day, he looks like this:

Apparently, if you have some sort of virus and you treat it with an antibiotic you get this lovely rash. Actually this is mild compared to how bad it got, it was very disturbing. Mom and Dad both didn't want to take him out in public. Ade is very happy to show you his belly if you ask him: "Where are your spots?"

Easter was Sunday, March 23rd. Ade and Mom and Dad all dyed some eggs on Saturday. Very exciting:

Sunday morning, Ade opened his Easter Basket:

That concludes this entry on Easter.

Now Monday March 24th: Mom and Dad have had this little plan brewing to start potty training over Spring Break, as Dad will be home to help out. Apparently training your child for a life of nudism helps with potty training. So Monday began the nude-fest.
Every 15minutes or so, Ade gets to go potty on the toilet. He's actually taken nicely to it on this, the first day. He's been using the potty infrequently at Mom and Dad's behest, so this was nothing new, but running around the house naked is out of the ordinary. We had a couple little potty accidents today but nothing major, it is the first day anyway.

On to the BBB saga. If you're just joining us we've taken the front rail off of Ade's crib, so it's more like a big-boy-bed than a crib; he can get in and out as he wishes. The last few nights before Monday, have been pretty miserable. We put him down about 8:15, he gets out of bed and finds us in the living room. We cuddle with him then repeat the process. Finally either he goes to bed with mom and stays there all night, or we get him to fall asleep around 9:30.

Tonight, Dad says he's had enough. We put him down at the normal time, after a few minutes he gets up, and comes on out. Mom cuddles with him for a while, in the meantime Dad puts one of the child-proof door knobs on the inside knob of his room. Dad puts Ade to bed...a few minutes later Ade is knocking at his own door "Mama" he says, collectedly. He knocks a few more times, says "Mama" a couple times, doesn't really cry, then all is quite. After a few minutes Dad checks on him and finds:
He's sleeping on the floor right behind the door. Mom scooped him up and put him back in the BBB, we'll try again tomorrow.

That's all for now. Here's a couple more random pictures, just for fun.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

He's even cute full of spots, isn't he?! Hope your potty training goes well today :)